Girard Ornaments Rabbit_web_sub_hero

Girard Ornaments - Rabbit / ジラード オーナメント Rabbit

Alexander Girard, 1965

The range of motifs does not limit the use of Alexander Girard’s Ornaments to seasonal occasions but some are perfect, for example, for Christmas time.



Girard Ornaments / ジラード オーナメント

Along with his colleagues Charles and Ray Eames and George Nelson, Alexander Girard was one of the leading figures in American design during the postwar era. While textile design was the primary focus of Girard's oeuvre, he was also admired for his work in the areas of furniture design, graphics, exhibitions and interior architecture. Girard brought a sensuous playfulness to twentieth-century design that had been absent from the austere aesthetic of classic modernism. On his extensive travels, Girard avidly collected textiles and folk art from all over the world. Together with the contents of his studio, which encompassed hundreds of drawings, prototypes and samples, Girard bequeathed a major portion of these objects to the Vitra Design Museum in 1993. The Girard Ornaments come in assorted motifs that were selected by Vitra, in cooperation with the Girard family, from the vast array of images created by the designer. The decorative pendants are manufactured from metal with a polished brass effect. The range of motifs does not limit their use to seasonal occasions but some are perfect, for example, for Christmas time.


Alexander Girard

建築家であり、デザイナーでもあったアレキサンダー・ジラードは、ミッドセンチュリーのアメリカデザイン界を牽引した人物の1人です。 テキスタイルデザイン、グラフィックアート、家具、展示、およびインテリアデザインなど幅広い分野において活躍し、賞賛されていました。中でも最も彼の才能が開花したものは、テキスタイルデザインであり、彼が表現する鮮やかな色彩、生き生きとしたパターンは、現代のデザイナーに多大なインスピレーションを与え続けています。