製品チェアラウンジチェアソファオフィスチェアシェーズロングスツール・ベンチ彫刻的家具ミーティングチェアエアポートベンチ収納システム家具テーブルカフェテーブルローテーブルデスクデスクシステムミーティングテーブル照明時計オブジェコートラック・壁付け棚トレー・ボウル・カップ新作ベストセラーカラー & マテリアルVitra Online Shop →アレキサンダー・ジラードアントニオ・チッテリオバーバー・オズガビーチャールズ & レイ・イームズジョージ・ネルソンヘラ・ヨンゲリウスイサム・ノグチラウンジチェア ファインダーギフト ファインダーオフィスチェア ファインダー修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラムVitra Circle StoresEndless configurations for all needs: Anagram Sofaプレゼントがあるんだ!インスピレーションリビングルームダイニングルームホームオフィスキッズルームアウトドアホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションカラー & マテリアルワークスペースフォーカスミーティングワークショップクラブ オフィスシティズン オフィススタジオ オフィスダイナミック スペースホスピタリティ空港教育施設コワーキング医療施設クライアント事例Destination WorkplaceA case for classicsオフィスチェアDancing Officeホーム ストーリーARシミュレーションA case for classicsカラー & マテリアルAn open house A leading space for a leading art collegeHigh comfort of low energyAn office landscape - without walls or partitionsサービス修理・メンテナンスお手入れ方法製品保証プログラムお問い合わせ組立・取扱説明書廃盤品の組立・取扱説明書コンサルティング & プランニングVitra Circle StoresConsulting & planning in the VitraHausOutdoor care instructionsRepair, maintenance, overhaul at the Vitra Circle Store Campus プロフェッショナルCAD データ製品情報証明書カタログサステイナビリティ レポート組立・取扱説明書環境情報pConプランニング例カラー & マテリアル証明書ディーラー専用サイトクライアント事例Anagram SofaMikadoTyde 2 on castorsACXDancing Officeオフィスチェアマガジンストーリーインタビュー展覧会デザイナープロジェクト ヴィトラJust Do It!EVER GREENWhy the Eames La Fonda Chair was designedWhen a Sofa is more than just a Sofa: Anagram100% ヴァージンウール – 100% リサイクル可能アーカイブはまるでタイムカプセル「ヴィトラハウス」ロフト - サビーネ・マルセリスとの対話Walking the talk1000 m2 の家具おもちゃから生まれた鏡田根剛による展覧会試行錯誤 - イームズ アーカイブ コレクションヴィトラとイームズヴィトラ キャンパス展覧会ガイドツアー・ワークショップカフェ・デリショップアクティビティ建築イベントサービス案内アプリイベントニュースVitaHaus / ヴィトラハウスVitra Design Museum / ヴィトラ デザイン ミュージアムVitra Schaudepot / ヴィトラ シャウデポVitra Circle Store Campusアウドルフ ガーデンヴィトラについてサステイナビリティJobs & CareersDesign processThe Original is by VitraHistory - Project Vitra
Destination Workplace
Redefining the workplace experience
To stand its ground, the modern workplace needs to transform into a destination that employees actively choose, blending flexible and permanent spaces with meaningful experiences and amenities that foster a sense of purpose and company culture, beyond what can be achieved at home.
Amid the evolving landscape of distributed work, it has become an active daily decision of where to work and whether to join others in the physical workplace or contribute virtually from other settings. With the focus having long shifted from mere productivity to the quality of the workplace experience, spaces need to offer meaning and purpose beyond organisation and control.
To attract and engage its users, the workplace must evolve into a destination – a place where employees actively choose to be. A thoughtfully designed blend of space typologies – some intended for permanence, others highly flexible and agile – accommodates the team depending on the need of the day or the moment. With the home office presenting strong competition, the ‘destination workplace’ also offers services and amenities that go beyond what is readily available at home. It is through the unique combination of these elements that a ‘destination workplace’ is created – an environment that embodies the culture of the company, signals appreciation to the team and fosters connection, interaction, and an innovative spirit.
Amid the evolving landscape of distributed work, it has become an active daily decision of where to work and whether to join others in the physical workplace or contribute virtually from other settings. With the focus having long shifted from mere productivity to the quality of the workplace experience, spaces need to offer meaning and purpose beyond organisation and control.
To attract and engage its users, the workplace must evolve into a destination – a place where employees actively choose to be. A thoughtfully designed blend of space typologies – some intended for permanence, others highly flexible and agile – accommodates the team depending on the need of the day or the moment. With the home office presenting strong competition, the ‘destination workplace’ also offers services and amenities that go beyond what is readily available at home. It is through the unique combination of these elements that a ‘destination workplace’ is created – an environment that embodies the culture of the company, signals appreciation to the team and fosters connection, interaction, and an innovative spirit.
What makes a destination?
Much like a place we long to travel to, a workplace becomes a true destination when it resonates emotionally and culturally with those who experience it. A ‘destination workplace’ is more than just its physical design – it is a carefully curated array of elements that evokes feelings, memories, and a deep sense of belonging within the community.
Much like a place we long to travel to, a workplace becomes a true destination when it resonates emotionally and culturally with those who experience it. A ‘destination workplace’ is more than just its physical design – it is a carefully curated array of elements that evokes feelings, memories, and a deep sense of belonging within the community.
‘A destination is somewhere I choose to visit, drawn by its unique character, culturally and historically rooted. The journey itself is an integral part of the experience, but what lingers after I leave? Will I look back with nostalgia, eager to return? Will I want to bring others along to share that experience?’
Tim Reusch, Head of Vitra Consulting & Planning Studio
Drawing on our vast experience in creating inspiring environments, we recognise the potential of transforming an office into a destination and the lasting impact this can have on both its users and the organisation. A work environment is an expression of a company's identity, and its design influences the mindset and behaviour of employees.
This conviction manifests itself on different levels in our endeavours – the Vitra Campus being a prime example. It brings together architectural icons, production buildings, museums and offices in a unique ensemble, showcasing Vitra’s design philosophy and culture, providing inspiration and serving as a field of experimentation for new ideas and concepts.
This conviction manifests itself on different levels in our endeavours – the Vitra Campus being a prime example. It brings together architectural icons, production buildings, museums and offices in a unique ensemble, showcasing Vitra’s design philosophy and culture, providing inspiration and serving as a field of experimentation for new ideas and concepts.