“Sabine Marcelis Editions 2024 – Designs by Verner Panton” Giveaway Contest

Are you interested in participating? Here’s how it works:

Via Social Media
Participants can enter the giveaway contest on Instagram as follows:
  1. Share your love for #Vitra by commenting below the Instagram post regarding the Sabine Marcelis Editions 20224 – Designs by Verner Panton Giveaway Contest.
  2. Tag 3 friends in the comments of the giveaway post.
  3. Follow @Vitra to stay up to date.
Via Online Form on www.vitra.com
Participants can enter the giveaway contest by registering for the early access of the Sabine Marcelis Editions 2024 – Designs by Verner Panton. The form to enter the giveaway contest can be found here.
Terms and conditions for participation

The following terms and conditions (hereinafter the "Terms") apply to your participation in the “Sabine Marcelis Editions 2024 – Designs by Verner Panton” contest (hereinafter the "Contest") of Vitra International AG (hereinafter referred to as "Vitra").

The Contest is not affiliated with, nor sponsored, endorsed or organized by Meta Platforms Inc. or any of its subsidiaries.

A. Entry requirements

1. Anyone who is at least eighteen (18) years old and has a residential or shipping address in the European Union, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the United Kingdom, the US or Japan may participate. Anyone wishing to participate must be able to be contacted via Instagram (participants that entered via social media) or e-mail (participants that entered via online form).

2. Employees of Vitra and of companies affiliated with Vitra are excluded from participating in the Contest.

B. General conditions

3. The Contest starts on 24 May 2024 at 00:00 CET and ends on 5 June 2024 at 24:00 CET. Participations after this deadline will be automatically excluded from the Contest.

4. Two winners that entered via social media and two winners that entered via online form will be selected at random and contacted privately on 6 June 2024. Each winner will be notified about the nature of its prize (Panton Chair Classic or Visiona Stool), which is determined in Vitra’s discretion, and will have the option to choose the color or cover material. Important: The Visiona Stool is not available to winners with residence in the United States. Certain cover materials are not available to winners with residence in the UK.

5. Participation is only possible in the form described above. Incomplete contributions are invalid and will automatically be excluded from the Contest.

C. Prizes

6. Participants will have the chance to win one of two Panton Chairs Classic or one of two Visiona Stools by Danish designer Verner Panton in the limited Marcelis Edition 2024 in the preferred colour or cover material. Limitations may apply depending on the winner’s place of residence (see para. 4).

7. The prize is shipped to the winner’s address (see para. 1). Prizes not claimed or refused for any reason remain the property of Vitra. The winner has no right to claim a replacement.

8. If a winner cannot be contacted until the 12 June 17:00 CET or does not claim his or her prize until the 12 June 17:00 CET, or if the contact details are incorrect or the prize cannot be delivered or accepted for any other reason, the winner's claim to the prize shall forfeit. In this case, Vitra is entitled to determine another winner.

D. Limitation of liability

9. Vitra shall not be responsible or liable for any costs or other expenses incurred in connection with participating in the Contest.

10. In the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Vitra, Vitra shall not be responsible or liable for any (a.) network or hardware or software problems of any kind that result in individuals not being able to participate in the Contest on time or at all, (b.) other problems or incidents of any kind that occur in connection with Internet, website, hardware or software functionality, and (c.) errors in entering personal data.

11. If the Contest cannot take place as planned for any reason beyond Vitra's control or because any legal reasons conflict with it, Vitra reserves the right to terminate, modify or postpone the Contest immediately. In such a case, participants shall have no legal claim to compensation.

E. Data privacy and participation

12. By participating in the Contest, participants grant Vitra access to their personal data and data published on Instagram. Vitra collects and processes personal data such as names or email addresses solely for the purpose of determining the winner or, if so desired, for sending relevant information. The data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties. More information can be found at www.vitra.com/privacy.

13. To the extent that Vitra has collected their personal data, participants are entitled to access, correct and delete such personal data.

14. Vitra reserves the right to exclude participants from the Contest if they have submitted their entries using incorrect or false personal data.

F. Governing law and dispute resolution

15. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions shall continue to apply unchanged..

16. Swiss law shall apply and the place of jurisdiction shall be exclusively at our registered office, insofar as there are no mandatory provisions of applicable international private law to the contrary.

17. Vitra reserves the right to change the Terms at any time, without Vitra incurring any obligation towards the participants or third parties. Legal recourse is excluded.

18. Questions regarding the Terms and the Contest may be directed in writing to the following address: Vitra International AG, Klünenfeldstrasse 22, 4127 Birsfelden, Switzerland, or by sending an email to [email protected].

The Contest is organized by:

Vitra International AG
Klünenfeldstrasse 22
4127 Birsfelden (Switzerland)
Phone: +41 61 377 00 00
Fax: +41 61 377 15 20
[email protected]

President of the Board of Directors: Nora Fehlbaum
Registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft