ProdottiSediePoltrone loungeDivaniSedie da ufficioChaises longuesSgabelli et pancheScultureSedie per conferenzeSedute per aeroportiVolume utileMicro architectureTavoli da pranzoTavoli barTavolini da soggiorno e da salottoScrivanieSistemi di arredo per l'ufficioSistemi per conferenzeIlluminazioneOrologiOggetti decorativiAppendiabiti da parete e mensoleVassoi e vasiNuovoBestsellerDisponibile velocementeColori e materialiAlexander Girard Antonio CitterioBarber OsgerbyCharles & Ray Eames George NelsonHella JongeriusIsamu NoguchiLounge chair finderOffice chair finderGift finderCura & riparazioniRicambiProdotti per la curaGaranzia del fabbricanteVitra Circle StoresInnumerevoli configurazioni per tutte le esigenze: Anagram SofaAbbiamo un regalo per voi!IspirazioniSoggiornoSala da pranzoHome OfficeStanza dei bambiniOutdoorHome StoriesAugmented RealityColori e materialiSpazio di lavoroFocusRiunioniWorkshopClub OfficeCitizen OfficeStudio OfficeDynamic SpacesOspitalitàAeroportiEducazioneCo-WorkingHealthcareNostri clientiPerché i classici sono così importantiSedie da ufficioDancing OfficeHome StoriesAugmented Reality - portate i prodotti Vitra nella vostra casaPerché i classici sono così importantiColori e materialiUna casa invitante Uno spazio di primo piano per un istituto d'arte di primo pianoComfort e sostenibilità combinatiUn paesaggio d'ufficio - senza pareti o divisoriServiziCura & riparazionRicambiProdotti per la curaGaranzia del fabbricanteFAQ e contattiIstruzioni d'usoIstruzioni d'uso per prodotti precedentiConsulting & Planning StudioVitra Circle StoresConsulenza e progettazione nella VitraHausIstruzioni per la cura all'esternoRiparazione, manutenzione, revisione presso il Vitra Circle Store Campus ProfessionalsDati CADSchede technicheCertificazioniBrochureRapporto di sostenibilitàIstruzioni d'usoInformazioni sull'ecologiapConEsempi di pianificazioneColori e materialiCertificazioni e normativeDealer loginOur ClientsAnagram SofaMikadoTyde 2 su ruoteACXDancing OfficeSedie da ufficioMagazineStorieConversazioniEsposizioniDesignerProject VitraJust Do It!EVER GREENWhy the Eames La Fonda Chair was designedWhen a Sofa is more than just a Sofa: Anagram100% virgin wool – 100% recyclableAn archive is like a time capsuleVitraHaus Loft - A conversation with Sabine MarcelisWalking the talkA 1000 m2 piece of furnitureFrom a toy to an objectA studio visit with Tsuyoshi TaneThe Eames Collection at the Vitra Design MuseumAbout the partnership between Eames and VitraVitra CampusMostreVisite guidate e laboratoriRistorazioneShoppingAttività da svolgere in famigliaArchitetturaIl vostro eventoPianifica la tua visitaVitra Campus appCampus EventsNotizieVitraHausVitra Design MuseumVitra SchaudepotVitra Circle Store CampusOudolf GartenSu VitraSostenibilitàJobs & CareersProcesso di designL'originale è di VitraStoria - Project Vitra
Even as an intern, you will be involved in current projects and daily business, giving you comprehensive insights into company processes at Vitra. Whether it's a practical semester for your studies or a vocational guidance internship, together we can flexibly design the manner and duration.
Student internship
BOGY and BORS internships (Berufsorientierungspraktika an Realschulen und Gymnasien – Career-Oriented Internships for the Gymnasium or Realschule) offer young students an important opportunity to explore career options. We offer targeted career guidance and give students the opportunity to get a feel for our working world and gain practical experience.
In addition, we offer opportunities for schools to visit us and gain insights into our production activities and working methods.
Internship semester
Vitra gives inquisitive and dedicated students the opportunity to acquire practical experience, gain insights into the professional world and discover their talents. Whether it's just a taster or a mandatory part of your studies: internships are possible in virtually every company department.
Student internship
BOGY and BORS internships (Berufsorientierungspraktika an Realschulen und Gymnasien – Career-Oriented Internships for the Gymnasium or Realschule) offer young students an important opportunity to explore career options. We offer targeted career guidance and give students the opportunity to get a feel for our working world and gain practical experience.
In addition, we offer opportunities for schools to visit us and gain insights into our production activities and working methods.
Internship semester
Vitra gives inquisitive and dedicated students the opportunity to acquire practical experience, gain insights into the professional world and discover their talents. Whether it's just a taster or a mandatory part of your studies: internships are possible in virtually every company department.