Campus Events

Unisciti a noi nel Vitra Campus: ti aspettano una miriade di eventi e attività

Distribuite nel corso dell’anno si svolgono nel Vitra Campus numerose manifestazioni, come la Vitra Campus Summer Night annuale, la festa dei ciliegi in fiore o eventi stagionali. Si iscriva alla nostra newsletter del campus per non perdere nulla.

Prossimi eventi

After Work, 18 July
The Vitra Campus After Work event invites you to mix and mingle and enjoy good food and refreshments. The gathering will be held outdoors at Place Jean Prouvé on Thursday, 18 July from 5 to 10pm, or in the Depot Deli in the case of bad weather.
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Vitra Campus Summer Night , 25 July
We cordially invite you to join us on the Vitra Campus with family and friends for the Summer Night concert on Thursday, 25. July 2024. Local bands will be performing from 7.30 to 11pm on the meadow between the Umbrella House and the Buckminster Fuller Dome in the non-public area of the campus.
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Architecture & Wine, 15 August
Under the motto 'Architecture meets wine', we cordially invite you to join us for a combined architecture tour and wine tasting programme on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein.
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After Work, 26 September
The Vitra Campus After Work event invites you to mix and mingle and enjoy good food and refreshments. The gathering will be held outdoors at Place Jean Prouvé on Thursday, 26 September from 5 to 10pm, or in the Depot Deli in the case of bad weather.
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Architecture & Wine, 17 October
Under the motto 'Architecture meets wine', we cordially invite you to join us for a combined architecture tour and wine tasting programme on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein.
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After Work, 21 November
The Vitra Campus After Work event invites you to mix and mingle and enjoy good food and refreshments. The gathering will be held outdoors at Place Jean Prouvé on Thursday 21 November from 5 to 10pm, or in the Depot Deli in the case of bad weather.
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Visite guidate e laboratori

Il Vitra Campus ti offre una vasta gamma di visite guidate e workshop. Scopri i tour architettonici, passeggiate guidate nel giardino, visite guidate della produzione, delle mostre o vari workshop a scelta. Questi ultimi comprendono un programma di attività per le scuole e i bambini nonché lezioni per i gruppi di visitatori su svariati temi dedicati al design. Per ulteriori informazioni, non esitare a contattarci: saremo ben lieti di assisterti.
Maggiori dettagli

Prenotare una location per eventi

Alcuni ambienti nel Vitra Campus si possono prendere in affitto: per eventi aziendali, congressi, simposi, feste natalizie o private come matrimoni, compleanni o altri anniversari – gli spazi del Vitra Campus offrono la cornice adatta a qualsiasi tipo di manifestazione. Gli ambienti possono essere configurati in modo personalizzato adatto al numero di componenti del gruppo.
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