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At Vitra, there are many different apprenticeships in the commercial, technical and industrial sectors. Thanks to the dual education system, you can combine practical experience with theoretical knowledge. You will have numerous opportunities to further develop your talents throughout the course of your apprenticeship.
At Vitra, a variety of interesting projects and events awaits you in addition to the regular apprenticeship programme, such as the Apprentice and Student Garden, the biannual get-together and much more.
We offer the following apprenticeships at our facilities in Germany:
At Vitra, a variety of interesting projects and events awaits you in addition to the regular apprenticeship programme, such as the Apprentice and Student Garden, the biannual get-together and much more.
We offer the following apprenticeships at our facilities in Germany:
- Industrial Management Assistant
- Retail Management Assistant
- Digital Commerce Management Assistant
- Technical Product Designer
- IT Technician for Systems Integration
- IT Technician for App Development
- Warehouse Logistics Technician
We offer the following apprenticeships at our facilities in Switzerland:
- Industrial Upholsterer with Federal Proficiency Certificate (EFZ)
- Technical Designer with Federal Proficiency Certificate (EFZ)
- Commercial Employee with Federal Proficiency Certificate (EFZ)
- WMS Internship
Insights from our future talents
Our trainees tell you what to expect in your day-to-day work with us and give you tips and insights into apprenticeships at Vitra.
How did you get your apprenticeship?
'I was looking for a company where I could do a job I liked and where I would feel welcome. Vitra really focuses on aspects such as design, quality, the environment and a healthy workplace. As these things are really important to me too, it seemed obvious that I should apply to Vitra. In terms of my choice of career, I just decided to do something I like or liked doing at school.'
(Kevin, Technical Product Designer, 1st year of apprenticeship)
(Kevin, Technical Product Designer, 1st year of apprenticeship)
What did you expect from your apprenticeship and has it lived up to your hopes?
'I hoped that I would have fun doing my job and that I would get to know the different company departments in order to find out what I'd like to do after the apprenticeship – figuring out what I'm interested in and what I'm passionate about. It's important that people show respect for one another in the workplace and this is definitely true at Vitra. In addition, my colleagues are very helpful and you have opportunities to learn and continually improve every day.'
(Chiara, Industrial Management Assistant, 3rd year of apprenticeship) & (Tim, Industrial Management Assistant, 1st year of apprenticeship)
(Chiara, Industrial Management Assistant, 3rd year of apprenticeship) & (Tim, Industrial Management Assistant, 1st year of apprenticeship)
What did you enjoy doing during your apprenticeship? Were there also things that you didn't like as much?
'As you change departments frequently, you find there are some things you enjoy more and others less. But by the end, it really helps give you a better idea of what you do and don't want to do in the future.'
(Sabrina, Industrial Management Assistant, 1st year of apprenticeship)
(Sabrina, Industrial Management Assistant, 1st year of apprenticeship)
How are you treated as an apprentice? Do you feel that you receive adequate guidance and support?
'I always feel really welcome. If I have questions or problems, I can readily turn to my supervisors. So far, there have never been moments when I would say that I was neglected or not given proper guidance. Everyone always has an open ear – as well as the necessary patience when you don't understand something straight away.'
(Danny, IT Technician, 2nd year of apprenticeship) & (Chiara, Industrial Management Assistant, 3rd year of apprenticeship)
(Danny, IT Technician, 2nd year of apprenticeship) & (Chiara, Industrial Management Assistant, 3rd year of apprenticeship)
What tips do you have for anyone interested in an apprenticeship here?
'I can definitely recommend it to anyone interested in an apprenticeship at Vitra. Be yourself and keep a positive open mind to everything that's new. Several times a year, some brilliant social activities are organised within the apprenticeship programme. Also, ask as many questions as you can, because here you get the opportunity to get to know individual departments in detail and to learn about all the different processes and how they connect.'
(Danny, IT Technician, 2nd year of apprenticeship) & (Chiara, Industrial Management Assistant, 3rd year of apprenticeship)
(Danny, IT Technician, 2nd year of apprenticeship) & (Chiara, Industrial Management Assistant, 3rd year of apprenticeship)