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When a Sofa is more than just a Sofa: Anagram
A studio visit with Panter&Tourron
How does the young designer duo Panter&Tourron envision the future of living and working? Can functionality, flexibility, minimalism, and sustainability be combined in a single product? We visited the two designers in their studio in Lausanne. In the interview, they share their perspectives and working methods – and discuss the new Anagram Sofa they developed with Vitra.
Stefano Panterotto (born in Italy in 1988) and Alexis Tourron (born in France in 1991) met while studying at the 'École cantonale d'art de Lausanne' (ECAL) – a university of art and design – where they both graduated with a Master of Advanced Studies in Design for Luxury and Craftsmanship in 2015. In 2016 they founded their own design and consultancy studio Panter&Tourron in Lausanne, where the duo develops products and visual experiences at the intersection of design, technology and society. Driven by material investigation and technical innovation, they challenge the contemporary codes of objects and images.
‘Vitra approached us with a very specific challenge: What does a sofa look like that works almost as a bridge from today to a living situation in the next 30 years? That’s where the idea of modularity and a flexible platform originated.’
Publication Date: 5.9.2024
Images: 1. © Vitra, photo: Nikolaj Lund; 2., 3., 4. © Vitra