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At Work with…
Dorothée Meilichzon
In the series ‘At Work with…’, we offer an inside look at the workspaces of our designers — both past and present.
„My workplace could either be my bed (as at the moment), a train or plane - modes of transportation have always been a great source of inspiration for me, which is a good thing as I travel a lot! - or my large oak office table in Paris, which I designed myself and had specially made by one of my favourite carpenters. My office is in the centre of Paris on rue d’Hauteville in the 10th arrondissement, a five-minute walk from home.
But the most important thing for me is either to have a BIC Criterium graphite pencil and a piece of white paper or my large drawing tablet. I am a bit of a geek so a computer is also always nearby. A particular posture does not really matter to me: standing, sitting, reclining, but I need flat surfaces to be able to draw, scribble, sketch. And some silence also. A little bit of light, too – not too much, no LEDs, but an old-fashioned bulb inside my vintage lamp on a bracket above my table will do the job.”
But the most important thing for me is either to have a BIC Criterium graphite pencil and a piece of white paper or my large drawing tablet. I am a bit of a geek so a computer is also always nearby. A particular posture does not really matter to me: standing, sitting, reclining, but I need flat surfaces to be able to draw, scribble, sketch. And some silence also. A little bit of light, too – not too much, no LEDs, but an old-fashioned bulb inside my vintage lamp on a bracket above my table will do the job.”
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16.3.2017
Autor: Vitra
Bild: Dorothée Meilichzon